Monday, October 10, 2011

How to Count

Like most people, I learned how to count when I was a kid. I must have been decent at counting as I went on to be a math major at college. However, the older I get I am realizing I need to learn how to count all over again.

However, the counting I am talking about has nothing to do with numbers. It has everything to do with people.

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3,4.

My buddy Tom Zurowski preached on killing the consumer mentality in us as believers yesterday.

It hurt. Bad.

But it's a good hurt in the end. I needed it.

I have heard as a Christian about loving others of course, and have tried walking it out. But yesterday the Lord through Tom's message was nailing me, and breaking me.

I'm not good at counting. I'm a consumer.

The Bible talks about counting others more significant, not looking just to my interests, but also looking to the interest of others.

I have a friend, Rich Knofsky, who was a great example of this to me. Him and his family were caught up "counting." You could tell. Their family was focused on and purposed to meet the needs of others. They were constantly reaching out to others - their lives were centered on Jesus, and as a result, they were centered on others as they should be as Christians. Again, I'm not sure why I've been so poor at counting.

I am realizing that my life is still, even after years of walking with the Lord, primarily focused on myself and my family. Now, we must focus on and meet the needs of our family, don't get me wrong, but if I or we as a family are never "counting" the interest of others, we are missing a huge part of being a follower of Jesus.

And, I'm not talking about an event here, or an occasional outreach to make me feel better. I am talking about it becoming the very fabric of who we are to count others more significant than ourselves, and to help to meet their needs and interests as a result.

In many ways I have had a difficult time putting into words what the Lord began speaking to me yesterday and still is. But I just kept thinking about a question: "Your willing to lay your life down for Me, are you willing to lay it down for others?" Am I willing to lay down my time, thoughts, prayers, energy, money - not just when it fits in my schedule - but also when it requires sacrifice, inconvenience and it doesn't feel good?

I thought I was good at counting. I'm realizing that I am not. But, I am desiring to change. Holy Spirit help me.

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