Friday, October 28, 2011

Practical Faith

One practical action I have taken lately to live without fear is to write the above verses and quote on a half piece of paper, and place it in one of my dresser drawers. Each day, I can pull it out and read from it for a brief moment, and remind myself of the truth in God's Word.

What I wrote on that paper was inspired by another post I wrote regarding fear. I wanted to look at these nuggets of truth daily to help remove the wrong patterns of thinking into my life.

It's funny, I never would have thought of myself as a fearful person, which goes to show we can deceive ourselves regarding who and what we really are like. One of the worst consequences I see from living with fear in my life is serving Jesus out of fear, and not love. I hate that. In the end, I feel like that fear feeds my self-righteousness and the temptation to think I can be right with God on my own merit. I'd have to think more about this, but I believe there is a connection in there somewhere.

I don't like admitting I live with fear, I'd like to believe and say I am super-faith-man... unfortunately that just isn't true. But being honest with ourselves about where we are at is a start. It's hard to know where you are going, let alone how to get there if you don't even know where you are at.

So yes. I am afraid. I live with fear. I have allowed fear to control my life in many aspects. And it's sin. It's wrong. It has to stop as a follower of the Lord Jesus. What is there to fear when He is my God and King? Yet, my flesh will come up with all sorts of reasons to be afraid if I let it.

And so I must fight. Fight for faith. Fight for a renewed mind, so that the Holy Spirit can move and reach and operate freely through me. Fight so that I can walk in greater intimacy with my Lord. One thing I know to use to fight effectively is the sword of the Spirit - His Word.

On a side note - one of the best combats to fear is the Presence of the Lord. There is freedom there, even freedom from fear. It is difficult to live overcome with fear, or other sin, when we are walking in the light of His presence, overcome with HIM.


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