Thursday, March 29, 2012


The Wolf - a beautiful animal
I spend most of my day in front of a computer screen. Two of them to be exact. So, it's nice to be able to display pictures on the screens that inspire you, remind you of what's important, or that simply make you smile.

Well, thanks to Windows 7 and the Desktop Themes that they have, I can select from a wide variety of desktop backgrounds. The theme I currently have selected falls into the category of "makes me smile." The theme, believe it or not, is wolves.

I have always had a fancy for wolves going all the way back to probably my middle school years. I'm not sure why, but wolves grab my attention. They're fierce, yet familiar with that dog-like look. They look playful, yet, you wouldn't want to get to close to them. They seem almost tame or domesticated, when in reality, they're wild.

The above is a screen shot of one of the desktop backgrounds from the Windows 7 Wolves theme (I have my wolves theme displaying a new pic every 5 minutes). If you spend most of your day in front of a monitor like myself, you may appreciate some of the variety that the Windows 7 themes provide to the generic computer desktop.

Find something that suits your fancy by clicking here.

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