Saturday, March 31, 2012

Top Five Regrets

I read a sobering and enlightening article the other day entitled, "Top Five Regrets of the Dying." I actually just skimmed through their list of five and was impacted by the insight that those who were close to dying had on life.

There is something about death that helps us to put aside the unnecessary, and really see what matters. I have never walked in the shoes of someone who knew they were dying soon. I have no idea what that would feel like, nor do I have any idea what thoughts and emotions would be running through my mind. Yet, I know somehow that God wants us to be conscious of our own mortality, and the brevity of our lives.

The reality is that we all are dying. As my good friend says, we're all part of that great statistic - ten out of ten people die. In light of eternity and the "vapor"-like existence of our lives, we are actually close to dying. Our lives are like grass, here today and gone tomorrow.

Yet, our lives matter. Greatly.

What we do matters. How we live matters. How we love matters. Which brings me back to the article. Those on their last days and weeks have provided a short list of things that are beneficial to us who are also dying, it just may not be as obvious as those referred to in the article.

So check it out, read the article or skim the list. I think you will find it adds value and perspective to your life, as it did mine.

Click here to read.

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