Thursday, March 8, 2012

Time is Short

There is one thing that has been in my heart lately - that time is short.

It's one of those things that doesn't show itself in obvious ways, but it's running in the background of my mind. Kind of like those annoying programs that won't stop but continue to "run" in the background of your computer, using its memory space. Difference is, what's running in my head isn't annoying. It's sobering, and empowering.

Paul says to the Corinthians that, "the appointed time has grown very short."

James reminds us about the brevity of our lives when he asks, "What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."

And Jesus, in Revelation 22, says three times in the chapter - "I am coming soon."

Yes, time is short. We cannot get caught up in the ways of this world. We cannot allow our feet to sink too deep. We are just pilgrims passing through, and our true home is in heaven. Everything in this earth will encourage you to play it safe, live for security, live for pleasure, and live for this life only.

Life is simply what Leonard Ravenhill said, "A dressing room for eternity."

So where is your vision today? Where is mine? Is it on the eternal? The everlasting? Or are we caught up in the things we see and the cares of this world?

I love what Ravenhill also said as a prayer, "Stamp eternity on my eyeballs!"

Oh Lord, help us to realize the brevity of our lives, the value of the moment, and that time is indeed short.