Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sex, Marriage, & Fairytales - Review

Seems I have been in a video mood lately, so might as well keep the streak going...

So, have you seen the video poet? Jeff Bethke has been creating quite a stir, to say the least. His creative videos have been viewed over 20 million times on YouTube.

20 million.

He just posted a new video back a few days ago and it already has been viewed over 3 million times. The name of it is Sex, Marriage, & Fairytales.

Let me say up front that I love what he is doing. He is using his gifts to share his love for Jesus and his heart on some real life matters. His poems contain gripping phrases that challenge us as Christians. His videos have gone "viral" and as a result are bringing I'm sure both praise and condemnation from others.

I have not watched any, but just a brief glance at some of the related videos' titles that YouTube lists (whether they should be called "related" or not is up for debate) shows that he is probably bringing out both the good and the evil in people through his poems. Which makes sense - they are all about Jesus and truth.

I have posted his Sex, Marriage & Fairytales video below. He shares some good thoughts for both married couples and singles. I'll be honest, it's difficult to receive from him entirely and fully simply because of his age and having never been married. Maybe that's my pride though. I'm young and still early in my marriage. That doesn't take away from the truth he shares.

Side note: Jeff is stepping out and following his heart - what most people don't do. It's a lot easier to criticize someone else's step of faith than to step out ourselves...

Anyway, it's obvious even to a young man like Mr. Bethke that marriage in America... scratch that ...marriage in the Church has problems. As a result, we are not setting a godly example for the next generation to follow. Jeff has some good insights and thoughts for all of us.

So take a look. What do you think?

For more on Jeff Bethke, click here.