Sunday, January 29, 2012

Good Disobedience?

One thought for us tonight, taken right from my notes from preaching this morning at The Chapel...

Some people try to hide from God by doing works. They don't need to be intimate as long as they do good things for Him. They think they can exchange disobedience with good works.

This thought stemmed from the fact that I believe some people can actually be running from God by doing good works for Him. They think they can reason with God - "if you don't touch this area of my life, if I can stay in control here, I will do ______ in exchange."

They think they can dictate to Him what God can and cannot talk to them about. They know in their heart what is right, but they don't want to let the Holy Spirit in to that part of their life. So they think they can compromise with God. "You don't talk to me about this, and I will serve you in that."

Unfortunately, or fortunately, God may not want that, He wants all of us.

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