Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Grab A Different Crayon

My kids are good at coloring "outside the box." They chose colors and techniques that a "knowledgeable adult" wouldn't use.

I have so much to learn from them.

I had this simple thought today: its not easy to stop doing what you've always done.

There is a reason why people generally stay the same. There is a reason why we love and good rags to riches story - someone defeats the odds and becomes something more than what anyone would have thought was possible. Because odds are, we generally stay the same... keep the same patterns of thinking as our parents, believing the same things we always have, doing the same things we always have done, staying the same person we have always been.

It's funny, change requires change. But that's easier said than done.

And it requires us to think outside the box we've always thought in, just like my kids wonderfully color outside the coloring box so to speak. A different picture requires different colors, just like a different life requires different thoughts, words, and actions.

So here's to change and thinking outside the box. Let's grab a different crayon to color with. Let's stop doing the same old thing and start doing something new. Let's do something different, think something different, something God-like, thereby coloring a heavenly picture with our lives.


  1. Oh, so true, John! I've been thinking along these lines lately myself. I think one of the reasons we avoid change is because it requires a paradigm shift, and as someone once said, "Paradigm shifts are always painful."

    One of the greatest blessings of living overseas was that we had to re-think EVERYTHING. Man, that was tough! It was great though, and once we gained some flexibility, it was fun, and we were so much more open to what God had to teach us.

    I keep telling my children, "Never be afraid to question what you've been taught, or what you think you already know. Don't be afraid to question what your Dad and I have taught you. The Truth will always stand. Trust God to show you His Truth."

    I so want to have a teachable spirit, and a learner's heart. I crave the same for our children. True learners are always changing...

    Thanks for your post, John!


    1. Thank you for sharing Katherine! That's really great insight and advice as we raise our children. And, I want that soft teachable heart too. Blessings!
