Monday, December 12, 2011

About Christ

It's time to get on my soapbox... Ah-hem....

Christ is central. Christ is King. All things were created through Him and for Him. As King, His commands are to be followed. His commands have benefits for life. Yet, in discussing the benefits of following Gods commands, we must not forget that they are just that - commands.

For instance, one might discuss the benefits of forgiving those who have hurt you. That you can better your life through forgiveness, and live in greater freedom as a result. Your forgiveness prevents you from being all you can be, you know.

While all this is true, we must be careful regarding the message we are believing, and relaying to others.

Forgiveness is more than just a self help, better my life, positive way of living. It is a godly way to live. It is the way to live that follows in Jesus footsteps, and it is the only thing that makes sense knowing how much He has forgiven us of. And, forgiveness is a command.

There are definite benefits to many of the commands of Christ... forgiveness over bitterness, giving over receiving, love over hate, joy over depression, faith over fear... All of these have great byproducts to the Christian life. But without Christ, they are just positive mental attitudes. Just attributes to add value to your life. It is Christ that brings depth and meaning to these virtues. It is for Christ and because of Christ that we forgive, love, have joy, etc. And, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit in a born again believer that enables us to truly walk all these things out in a heavenly way.

Without Christ, these things are little more than a humanistic path to a better life. A life that is all about me still. But when it's all about Christ, these virtues are commands, and flow naturally from the new life we have in Him.

So let's take heed and be careful today to keep Christ at the center of all his commands and benefits. If we don't, we flirt with the danger of becoming a church and a people that is little more than a social club, instead of the Bride of Christ.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many have adopted this social club, better myself gospel that keeps me, and not Christ, at the center of my world.

I will step down from the soapbox, for now...

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