Monday, June 11, 2012

Reflections on the Day

I'm not sure if I've clearly stated this, but we've started our own family business - Thirty Seven Five Landscaping Experts.

We have had it in our hearts to start a family business for a while, and with my recent lay-off (sort of), through prayer it seems the right direction for our family.

So, I've been knocking on doors and handing out flyers looking for work anywhere I can. This week I was able to line up some jobs (praise God!) with today being the first!

In light of it being my first day/job, I've assembled the following list of things I've already learned (or thought about) from one day on the job:

1. Get experience. Ha! This one will take time. I did a job today I thought would take 1 hour or so and 6.5 hours later......

2. Price Right. Pricing right takes knowing how long the job will take, refer to 1.

3. Pack a lunch. Again, you never know how long somethimg will take, so better to be prepared. I was running on fumes ;)

4. Careful sticking your hand in front of a power washer. 'Nuff said.

5. Plan and Prepare. Make sure you have everything you need to complete the job.

6. Do not attempt to jump a fence before first hiking your wet jeans. Try it, you'll see...

7. Be dependable and communicate with your clients. Do what you say your going to do.

8. Slow down to talk. Talk to your customers - you are selling yourself first. Make friends. They'll call you back and tell their friends. And, you will more than likely have opportunities to share your faith.

So there you have it! One day expert!

Not quite. But these are at least some thoughts running through my head :)

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