Monday, April 1, 2013

What I'm [done] Reading

Being that it's the 1st of a month, it seems a good time to give an update on my reading progress for this year. This past month I finished two books, The Duggars, 20 and Counting, and William Booth's Amazing Visions, compiled by David Ravinhill.

Both books were excellent, and though different in topic they were similar in heart. That puts me ahead of schedule at four for the year.

This month, I'm on to a favorite movie of ours. That is, the book that inspired the recent movie - The Hobbit.

I've wanted to read this book for a while (I think I was supposed to read it as a young boy for school, but who knows how that went!) and since I received a copy for my birthday, seems like a great time to jump in.

Time for an adventure!


  1. Cody and I usually read The Hobbit together about once a year, but seeing as we are still trying to work our way through The Lord of the Rings we may not get to it again.

    1. Ahh yes, LOTR... not sure if I will tackle that trilogy quite yet (at least in "reading" form :)
